I can remember looking back to younger days, I was so afraid to speak in front of people, especially if I was around people that I did not know. I would not say a word. I was extremely shy for the longest time! So when I began my own business, that required me to stand in front of strangers and speak, it was even shocking to me. But I can honestly say, that was the beginning of something new for me. To be heard, not to just be heard but to be boisterous! Not to sit by when you really want to be involved, not to see someone in need and not help, and not to harbor feelings that you need to express! I am by no means, where I want to be in this however, I am no where near where I used to be. Being heard is not only a physical thing, it is knowing who you are, who's you are, your abilities, and not limiting yourself! I LOVE IT HERE! Born to express not to impress ~Author Unknown
